Monday 4/20/2020

Brian and Tim geeked out on last week. Brian went deep on 2007 because Tim is redoing much of the programming. He has pulled a few gems that he wants to share with you. Would anyone be interested in a video type thingy where we discuss a series of workouts from 2007? A little time machine go back to then?

Tomorrow’s Schedule

ROMWOD 8:30am Click Here to join

CrossFit 9 am Click Here to join

Guess who?? Let me tell you! It’s Brooke with a 160# Squat Clean PR!!

Workout of the Day

“Fully Loaded”


21 Power Cleans 95/65

12 Handstand Pushups

“Half Cocked”


21 Kettlebell Swings 50/35

12 Hand Release Pushups

“Empty Chamber”


21 Heavy Pulls

12 Hand Release Pushups

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