Tomorrow is Coach Micayla’s last day at CFO. It has been very fun to watch her grow as an Athlete. She always has a smile on her face, try a cheery attitude and a tenacious spirit when faced with a new challenge. We saw that this weekend in the Finals of the Women’s RX division when she was the last person to get to the muscle-ups and then blew through a few, sales even stringing two together right before time expired.
We will miss you dearly McKilla – CFO was and always is your CrossFit home.
In honor of Micayla we have chosen a WOD in her name. She always asks Brian for a partner WOD so here we go! If there is an uneven number of people we can have a group of 3 or the single person will note the time it took to do the first round and then use that as a rest period.
Workout of the Day
40 RFT (partner WOD)
3 Hang Squat Clean 155/100
3 Handstand Pushups
100m Shuttle Sprint (50 out/50 back)
Partner A completes one round while Partner B Rests. Tag out with the traditional CFO high five.