** Today is the last day to sign up for the weightlifting seminar at the discounted price. Text Alison or hit her up on Facebook if you want in. Price goes up to $115 tomorrow. June 20th from 9-5pm with Charles Shipman. We will be working on the Snatch and the Clean and Jerk.**
Don’t forget about the Swim WOD on Saturday. The workout takes place at the Oakdale High School Pool at 8:30am. I have 3 events planned – a 200m swim, sickness a swim WOD, # and a workout on the football field.
Today’s WOD makes me feel like a mad genius. In my opinion, it has all the trappings of a painstorm. It has a classic CrossFit rep scheme. It consists of 3 of the foundational, highly functional movements. Each are the second of the foundational movement series in their perspective sequences: pull, squat and press. The bar is light and there are a lot of reps – 84 of each movement, 252 reps total.
You can start fast and try to hang on, but that may turn you into a FRH – a First Round Hero. My goal is to start out steady eddie, but really attack once I get into the set of 12.
Please note this is a Push Press, not a Jerk or a shoulder to overhead. No re-dip once you begin your dip and drive of the bar.
Below are instructions for Alison’s Zentangle book – it’s a drawing meditation. We’re all about the meditation in this house, I guess. You can apply 1-4 and 10-11 to CrossFit. Hell, you can apply it to everything in life – Relax, Breathe, Admire the Tools, Appreciate the Opportunity. When you’re done Reflect and Appreciate. Finally admire your work, both in the big picture and for the small details.
Workout of the Day
21-18-15-12-9-6-3 rep rounds of
Sumo Deadlift High Pull
Front Squat
Push Press
Men – 75, Ladies – 55