Saturday will a fundraiser/partner WOD for FBI Special Agent Laura Schwartzenberger. I’ve been with the FBI for a little over 17 years. Laura came in a year after I did. Like me, she was a longtime CrossFitter. Making this even harder, Laura was married with two kids. Laura went into work everyday for years to make people safe working one of the most grueling and emotionally challenging programs: crimes against children.
We have supported many of our state and local law enforcement partners over the years after they have lost their live in the line of duty. Folks gave their lives in a dangerous career, knowing full well the inherent risks in just showing, much less doing the job well.
We are very lucky in the FBI in that we don’t have to take on the risk of meeting the public on traffic stops, vehicle pursuits, domestic calls and the multitude of dicey undertakings that are rife with risk. Generally, we get to collect evidence, make a plan and do things at a time, place and under the circumstances of our choosing.
As prepared as we may try to be, we cannot always plan for everything. All we can do is handle our business, trust our training, and be as fit, healthy and prepared as possible in every situation. Because when the shit goes down, it happens fast, and you better be ready.
By all accounts, Laura and Dan Alfin were the real deal: hard working, accomplished agents that made the ultimate sacrifice protecting children from people that would do them harm. I hope that you will make a donation to help Laura’s family with anything you can.

Workout of the Day
Back Squat
Build to a heavy set of 3, then 3 sets of 8 @ 70%
60 Wallball Shots 20/14
10 DB Hang Snatch
10 DB Hang Clean and Jerks
10 DB Push Press
50/35 – Change hands every 5 reps