Learning the Outlaw Way

Brian left Wednesday morning for Outlaw Camp. For those of you who don’t know of Outlaw or the Outlaw Way, order it is a CrossFit gym in Virginia that places an emphasis on the competitive side of CrossFit.
First – they place a heavy emphasis on the Olympic Lifts, drug especially the Snatch.
Here are the Three Tenets of the Outlaw Way
1. Everything is Everything
2. The Doomsday Principle
3. Be Stronger
Sound cryptic? Maybe a little…but you  know there will be a complete rundown when he returns.
We don’t strictly follow the Outlaw Way, but we have been using similar programming for the past couple of years. You may see familiar things as you peruse their website.


Rudy and Brian

Workout of the Day
Power Snatch – Snatch Balance – Overhead Squat – Hang Squat Snatch
Work up to a heavy single in 15 minutes
Power Snatch – Snatch Balance – Overhead Squat – Hang Squat Snatch 95/65
Rest 2 Minutes
Power Snatch – Snatch Balance – Overhead Squat – Hang Squat Snatch
Rest 2 Minutes
Power Snatch – Snatch Balance – Overhead Squat – Hang Squat Snatch