We hope you had a relaxing Christmas! We have enjoyed some down time. Only a few days left of this weird year, so let’s have some fun!
We have adjusted this week’s schedule based on last weeks attendance:) Monday- Wednesday will have a 5:30am, 8:30am RomWOD, 9am, 12:30pm, 4:30pm and 5:30pm classes. Thursday, New Year’s Eve will be 5:30am, 9 and 10 am only. New Year’s Day will be 12pm Only. All of the class adjustments are reflected in the MindBody Schedule so get signed up!

Workout of the Day
Work 30/Rest 30
Min 1 – Power Snatch 115/75
Min 2- Squat Snatch 115/75
Min 3 – Burpee to touch
Final 3 rounds will be full minutes of work – no rest!