It was a long month of swinging…31 days to be exact. Two challengers battled it out until the end. I will miss their text messages at the end of the day:)
McKenna and Terri came in OVER 10,000 swings for the month of May. Terri came in with a total of 10,001 kettlebells swings and 218 points overall. She even finished up her kettlebell swings on an East Coast family trip.
McKenna was the big winner with 11,803 kettlebell swings and 260 points overall. Her husband is very happy that this challenge is over. With three little girls and one on the way, I can only imagine there was not a lot of free time to get her swings in, but she got it done. McKenna will receive $50 and a commemorative gift for her winnings!
Congratulations to everyone who pushed themselves to try out something new for a month.
The next challenge will be a Summer Bingo Card, starting on July 1st. Stay tuned for the big reveal of the challenge squares! $10 buy in for the Bingo Card Challenge.

Workout of the Day
No Hook, No Foot Snatch
Build to a heavy single in 15 minutes
OTM 15
15s work 45s Rest
Snatch 165/105
Score is total # of Reps