How to Make Your Coffee Bulletproof, # sale and Your Morning Too. Butter in coffee??? I’m begging someone to try this. I’ll give it a whirl this week, approved but if you try it, let me know, and post your experiences to Facebook.
My daily coffee routine is a essential to me as my workout. I grind my beans and normally drink it black. I traveled to Vienna, Austria a few years ago, and coffee was a daily ritual there. You could not order coffee to go in the whole city; you had to sit down and enjoy your cup. They served unsweetened whipped cream in coffee, and called it “mit schlag”. I love unsweetened heavy whipped cream in my coffee, and grass-fed, unsalted butter seems right in my wheelhouse.
How do you take your coffee? Please post thoughts to Facebook.
Workout of the Day
Kettlebell Swing 70/53
Box Jump 24/20
Once the couplet is complete, rest exactly 2 minutes, then do
Kettlebell Swing
Box Jump
The swing is heavier than normal. Use a weight that will be challenging for all reps, but allows you to maintain proper body position.
6 Minute Abs