Hiking Adventures- 8/22/2020

From Coach Tim

If you follow me on Facebook or the Gram, you probably have seen many adventures deep in to the wilderness. During these excursions, we have been able to witness God’s beauty and see things that many will not see in a lifetime. I have been required to put my fitness to use, finally a good reason to do all of those double under. In an effort to escape the valley heat, I invite you to join me on an excursion into the great outdoors.

On August 22, we will be hiking the Crab Tree Trail to Bear Lake. This is a highly trafficked trail, “out and back” to Bear Lake where we can enjoy a refreshing swim.

The hike begins at apporximately 5,000 feet and there is a moderate elevation gain. You may experience shortness of breath, elevated heart rate and fatigue. For those of us from CrossFit Oakdale, we call that Tuesday or Saturday.

Here is a list of some basic equipment I recommend:

Sun Protection: I do reccomend sunscreen, especially if you end up swimming in the lake.

First Aid – a basic first aid kit would be good to have.

I am one who has had to dip into my first aid kit a time or two.

WATER. I would recommend 1.5-2 L. If you have a Camelback, GREART! but not necessary.

Food- Protein/quest bars, trail mix and maybe some packets of applesauce.

Backpack – I recommend something small that can hold the above items.

Clothing – Long sleeves, pants, a hat and shoes with good traction. I recommend lightweight fabrics that breath well and allow you to move freely.

Optional items – hiking poles, toiletries (because when nature calls) and a camera to record your adventure. If you are swimming, a towel and some shorts would be good. I normally swim in my Tommy John’s and air dry 🙂

Hope to see you all on August 22! We will meet at Raley’s at 7am and head on up together.

Workout of the Day

30 Doubleunders
15 KB Swings 53/35
Rest 3
Max Calorie Row
Rest 3
Max Burpees to Touch