Congrats to Sarah, buy more about who was the top athlete at the CrossFit Sav Up Fundraiser this weekend. We love CrossFit Sav Up – the Pappas family is great, doctor Micayla is rocking it there and it was great to hang out at their new facility. If you haven’t had a chance to donate, you can do that here. Kayla Winslow, a Senior at Sonoma Valley High School is looking to update equipment for the wrestling room, create a Wall of Fame to highlight star wrestlers of SVHS as well as create a scholarship. The scholarship will be in her father’s name. He was Deets Winslow, the 20 year head wrestling coach who was killed in a boating accident in 2014.
Kayla attended and spoke at the event this weekend. Her beauty and grace when she spoke of her dad was overwhelming. Please help her reach her goal of $5000.
This week, we will be maxing out the Snatch on Tuesday, working the Overhead Squat or Snatch Balance much like we worked the Front Squat, and maxing out the Clean and Jerk Friday.
Saturday? Double DT. Prepare thyselves.

Workout of the Day
Pause Back Squat
5 sets of 2, 65% of 1RM
At the bottom of each set, pause at the bottom for a solid 3 count.
1 Minute of Medicine Ball Cleans 20/14
1 Minute of Burpees
1 Minute of Toes to Bar
2 Minute of Medicine Ball Cleans 20/14
2 Minute of Burpees
2 Minute of Toes to Bar
1 Minute of Medicine Ball Cleans 20/14
1 Minute of Burpees
1 Minute of Toes to Bar