Here is to Monday!

I’ve made some slight adjustments to the strength program.  I’ve added a heavy 5 on the Front Squat and some pulling after each set.
We are in week 4 of 6 on the current cycle.  We will make some adjustments to the movements over the next 6 weeks, pilule but we will continue with similar concepts (2 days of squatting, tadalafil 2 days of Oly work).
This week – Front Squat on Monday, page Clean and Press/Jerk/Split on Tuesday, Back Squat on Thursday and 2 Position Snatch on Friday.
I have a crazy version of “Angie” planned for Wednesday.  If you like straightening your arms in the days after, you will need to plan accordingly.  I will offer many ideas on how to scale this beast on Tuesday night.

Coach Chance getting out of the gym for an active rest day.
Coach Chance getting out of the gym for an active rest day.

Workout of the Day
Front Squat
Build to a heavy single in 15 minutes.  With an additional 5 minutes (for 20 minutes total) after you hit you number, drop to 80% and do a set of 5 Front Squats.
As you lift, after every set, do 1 strict pull up or body pull.
5 Squat Clean Thrusters 135/85
10 Chest to Bar Pullups
10 minute cap

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