Goat Killer

Robin C. got her first pull-up yesterday!  Huge congratulations are in order – Robin is a great master’s athlete and this has been a goal since she walked through the doors at CFO.  Robin’s persistence (and patience) has paid off, more about and she’s getting better every day.  Not to mention she drilled some perfect overhead squats – another (former) goat movement of hers.  GOAT KILLER!  Maybe the coolest part is her daughter Jen coached her through it.
At 7:30pm on Monday night, Dr. Bruce Turley, a Chiropractor, will hold a seminar on mechanics and recovery.  Dr. Turley has worked on a few of us and has been doing WODs over the past few weeks.    Dr. Turley has some excellent insight into movement prep, recovery and injury prevention.  Please come out Monday night, and be prepared for some knowledge bombs.
Open Athletes: I would prep Toes to Bar, Chest to Bar Pullups and Double unders.  Rome wasn’t built in a day, but these guys are coming…
Workout of the Day
High Bar Back Squat
3 sets of 3, 70% of 1RM
Your final set should be a pause set – 3 second pause at the bottom of the squat.
10 Pullups (Open athletes – Chest to Bar)
20 Situps
30 Doubleunders