
To Re-Do or Nor Re-Do.  With 2 weeks of the Open down, cheapest and 3 to go, see many of you have thought about re-doing the WODs.  Many of you have re-done the WODs.  Ask any CrossFitter, and you’ll get a different take on re-doing the WODs.  Most of you know my opinion – if you want to maximize your score, you should consider re-doing.  If you made mistakes, had missed reps (more than a few) or things didn’t go as planned, a re-do may be in order.
I have heard gripes over “what about ‘constantly varied’ workouts?”  In given year, an athlete may do over 300 workouts – repeating 5 is a drop in the bucket.
I would also consider the number of actual reps involved.  I was not happy with my score on 13.2.  I had broken that thing down by the second, and even though I may not have scored as well as I would have liked, I squeezed every rep possible out of it.  Over 296 reps, did I leave 4 on the floor?  Maybe.  Did I consider re-doing – I’d be lying if I said I didn’t.  But in the end, grinding through nearly 300 reps in 10 minutes to get literally 1 or 2 more just wasn’t worth it.
You can consider re-doing WODs as mental training.  It’s one thing if you had a break down in technique or you or trying something new, like stepping up on the box when you re-do a WOD.  It’s another thing entirely when you decide – I mean really decide – I am going to go faster and rest less.  On those type of re-do’s you are basically saying, I know when the pain is going to come and I am going to fight it and win.  It is an internal struggle when you have seconds to go, and you are with in reps of beating your old score.  People are yelling, lactic acid is flooding your muscles and you hang on for dear life.  This is when a positive attitude, mental training and self talk become ESSENTIAL.
One thing to consider – if you are looking to move to the next level, repeating WODs may help get you there.  BUT…repeating WODs is not the best way to prepare for an event like Regionals.  Trust me on this!  Focusing on moving extremely well under load, getting really freaking strong  and getting your CrossFit-advanced gymnastics dialed in are better than repeating a ton of burpees, box jumps or wall balls.

Dr. Turley working with Jonathan
Dr. Turley working with Jonathan during Monday nights after class special.

Workout of the Day
10 min to build to  80% of 1RM
5 minutes, 2 Snatch OTM at 80% of 1RM.
2 minutes, as many reps as possible, 80% of 1RM.
This strength WOD takes 17 minutes.  Once you begin the OTM sequence, you only get 2 attempts at the lift – if you miss, you miss.  You can “make up” for any misses by doing a bunch of reps during the 2 minute smash.
It will be interesting to see how this goes when you don’t have to do 90 burpees first 😉
With a 12 minute cap
100 Doubleunders
Run TL Davis Loop
In the remaining time, as many
Plate Overhead Burpees 45/25

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