GHD Thoughts

GHD Update
So, visit this site I’m in my second week of the GHD challenge.  I only do my GHDs on training days.  I am not doing catchup reps.  I train 5 days a week, so my GHD went from 2-10 in week 1, then 12-20 in week 2.  I just did 16 on Wednesday, so I’ll do 18 on Friday and 20 on Saturday.  Mix this with 3 WODs where we did over 100 sit-ups (Angie and the 2 Oly lift/situp WODs).  I am enjoying it, as I haven’t felt over tasked.  Yet.  I have done big sets of GHD in the past, but I’ve rarely gone over 30 consecutive GHD sit-ups.  I’m curious to see where this goes as the sets get bigger.  My goal is to do each set unbroken – for me this will mean really slowing down so it doesn’t become a conditioning drill.  I am also focusing on extending my legs on each rep to really engage the hamstrings.
Tricia had an interesting take on the GHD Challenge – cook both sides.  After she does her sit-ups, she does an equal number of back extensions.  This sounds good to me.
As I write this, my core is sore, but maybe because Alison made me do a bunch of medball sit-ups coupled with plank holds.  Ouch!
The weight on Friday’s WOD is not a typo.  Please scale the weight accordingly, but understand that these are the types of loads that are being asked of top level CrossFitters.  Find a weight that is challenging – to the point that you will question if you can make the lifts later in the WOD.  If possible, use 80% of your 1RM Clean.
This weight will likely be heavy enough that sprinting through the burpees in a bad idea.  Use any method to get the bar to your shoulders – power, squat or split.  Just stand up with a heavy bar 25 times.

Tricia will be competing on the Masters Team with teammates Bob, Denny and Janet for Caffeine and Kilos in September. Bill, Vanessa, Trevor and Kelly make up another team. Lou, Christine, Brian and Alison make up a third.
Tricia will be competing on the Masters Team with teammates Bob, Denny and Janet for Caffeine and Kilos in September. Bill, Vanessa, Trevor and Kelly make up another team. Lou, Christine, Brian and Alison make up a third.

Workout of the Day
5 Cleans 225/135
10 Lateral Burpees
15 minute cap