Fun Strength Week Ahead

The strength protocol for the week is different than the 10’s that we have been doing. Instead of doing 5 sets of 10, visit web you will take your weight and do it as many times as possible. If you can get 20, buy information pills great but you can go beyond that. Your goal is to do as many possible reps beyond that with perfect form and tempo. In almost every instance this should be a struggle. We will deadlift on Tuesday, press on Wednesday and squat on Friday.
Friday evening is the Kickoff party for the Whole Life Challenge. We will be doing measurements and the baseline WOD. That will be announced on Thursday evening. Don’t forget to bring some noncompliant food to share:)
Workout of the Day
Max Effort Set – use three’s or five’s to get to your target weight. Make sure you are nice and warm and then go for the biggest set you can get. It might be smart to wear a belt if you have one.
100 Double Unders
100 Hang Power Cleans 95/65
100 Double Unders
12 minute time cap