Friday 4/17/2020

They will announce the last workout for the #supportyourlocalbox CrossFit Open Challenge. If you haven’t signed up, you still can and join our team! It’s still free! If you haven’t submitted your previous scores, you still can!

Tomorrow’s Schedule Password is Oakdale

ROMWOD 8:30am Click Here to join the class

CrossFit 9am Click Here to join the class

Workout of the Day

Thank you for today’s WOD!

“Fully Loaded”

Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of:

• 15 dumbbell rows, left arm
• 15 dumbbell rows, right arm
• 50-ft. handstand walk

♀ 35-lb. DB ♂ 50-lb. DB

“Half Cocked”

15 Weighted rows, left hand
15 weighted rows, right hand
30 second handstand hold

“Empty Chamber”

15 Weighted rows, left hand
15 weighted rows, right hand
50 feet of bear crawl
Find something heavy to pull
Bear crawl in your front hard

Accessory Work

3 sets of 20
Alternating DB curl

4 sets of 12
DB Bench Press
or floor press