Franniversary V was a great day at CFO. 40 teams of 2 from all over the state converged on Oakdale to exercise competitively and have a good time. It was a true celebration of the community that we have all built over the last 5 years. Athletes went hard from the first 3-2-1 Go until the final buzzer. We all train hard, patient day in, treat day out. But until you take the competition floor and see how fast people are actually willing to go in the type of setting that CFO created on Saturday, rx it’s hard to explain. The team that won from Gnardog hit every workout like they had been shot out of a cannon.
Over the years, the fitness of all the gyms competing at Franniversary has improved across the board. Movement has gotten better. And no one threw up at the end of the Gauntlet.
Once again, Alison and I have to thank the CFO community. We ran on time throughout the day, running literally over 100 individual workouts. The judging was tight. Every time we needed a piece of equipment in one place or an issue addressed, it magically was taken care of.
The podium on the RX side consisted of several CrossFit Games Regional athletes, so the competitors were fierce and experienced. Even down the scoreboard, we had athletes that had performed at an extremely high level in previous years. On the scaled side, we saw several excellent athletes drop down from RX to compete with less seasoned partners, adding a level of fitness and ability that we had not seen in the scaled division in previous years.
As far as CFO athletes, Red, White and Boom (Coach Chris and Jack) made the finals after a near miss last year, taking 4th place. They tied for 1st on Fat Bar DT. I Live for this Shit (Coach Sarah and Sidney from CF Merced) took 6th, just missing the finals. Fecal DeathStar (Paul and Chance) took 8th, with high scores in Karen and the Fran Ladder.
Tuff and Tipsy (Gina and Kelly) took 10th of 21 teams. They had a high score on Karen, but they only missed making the finals 9 points in a jam packed 5-10 logjam on the leaderboard.
There is some talk among coaches on how to get more people involved in the competitive side of CrossFit Oakdale. While competitions do not create warm fuzzy feelings for all, there is a fun aspect to pushing yourself a little harder. There may be an in house competition in the works…teams of athletes and coaches…More information to come. Until then, train hard, lift more and just have fun.

Workout of the Day
Wall Ball Shots 20/14
Kettlebell Swings 53/35