How to Boil Perfect Veggies. We hope you Paleo Challengers are enjoying whole, information pills nutrient dense foods. Do you find you’re eating more of certain foods, visit this site especially green veggies. I am not a great veggie eater, pill but I’m working on it. Maybe I suck at eating my greens because I come from a long line of bad veggie cookers. Whether it’s boiled mush or microwaved to a crisp, my fore fathers (and fore mothers) cooked some awful veggies. And don’t worry, none of ’em read my website, so they shouldn’t get their feelings hurt.
Here’s an answer to on often heard Paleo question: If you can’t have dairy, where do you get your calcium?
*** Thanks to all of you, classes have been very full. Seriously, Thank you. We have a few things in the works for solutions to our space problem. Please be patient & thank you for your flexibility.
Vycttoria Goes After Some Weighted Lunges. Great job!
Workout of the Day
15 Cleans 95/65
15 Toes to Bar*
*If hands are shredded, sub 2 for 1 sit-ups