Feats of Strength

I wanted to take the time to beat our collective chests for some of the PRs (Personal Records) we’ve been smashing.  This is obviously not a comprehensive list, story and if I left a feat of strength off the list, PLEASE post it to Facebook.
PRs and milestones should be celebrated and reflected upon.  They are also the entry to greater levels of fitness and achievement.  Make sure you take the time to think about all you have accomplished.  This stuff ain’t easy!
First Muscle Up: Trevor A and Jen C
First Kipping Pullups: Lauren D, Alicia C, Lara A, Jen C.
I’d like to take credit for Denny’s pullups, but he came in pretty good at pullups.  Nice work, P90X…
We have a BUNCH of you that are close on pullups! Keep plugging away.  I’m looking at you Conney!
Vyctorria G, Jackie J, Ross A goes their first handstands.
CFO has seen a 225 pound Snatch (Brady) and a 210 pound Snatch (Louis).
We had a perfect 410 pound 5RM Deadlift (Justin E).  Sean G pulled 305 perfectly.
We’ve seen 2 Fran’s by females in the 5 minute range (Alison and Jen C).
We’ve seen 2 sub 3 minute Fran’s (Brian -me, and visiting Nick Zambruno, with a 2:31).  Nick also blasted out a 1:51 Isabel.  Nick will be competing in the CrossFit Games Southwest Regional this weekend.  Nick is a great athlete, and he has a legitimate chance to go to the CrossFit Games in July.  Wish him luck, he’s a Hughson kid!
Added after class Thursday night: Denny came in with first RX WOD as well as first time with toes to bar. Tonight was also Emmaline’s 4th RX in a row. Jackie J has also completed her first RX last week.
Double Unders.  This could be it’s own post.  Don Q (after years of trying), Trevor A, Janet S, Jen C, and Ashley all got double unders.  Am I missing someone?  I’m sure I am.  Not only have we seen Athletes get their first DU, we are seeing guys and gals that fought the rope stringing together huge sets.  Yes, a good jump rope helps.  But you know what helps more?  Persistence.

Justin E Lifts BIG

Workout of the Day
Run 800m
50 Back Extentions (Supermans)
50 Situps