Over the next 3 days, mind I’ll be posting 3 skill warms ups. These are relatively simple, # order CrossFit centric warmups that will develop higher level CrossFit skills. These can be done everyday before the work. I got the basics of these from CJ Martin’s Invictus Competition programming. They are meant to be done before the daily work. They warm ups should take no more than 10 minutes. They are not for time, website but move with a purpose. There are high and low numbers for the warm up – don’t feel compelled to always hit the high number. Focus on good, crisp movement. Speed will come with practice.
Feel free to scale these skill warmups as needed. It is your warm up, so make it suit you. Each warmup will be given a letter, A, B or C. Sometimes the warm up will correspond with the workout, other times it may not. Feel free to adjust to your needs, but remember the idea is to focus on the basics and hammer these essential CrossFit movements regularly. My goal would be to hit each warm up at least once a week.
Like any extra work, please be conscious of classes going on. The class in session is always the priority, be polite and aware of others.
Skill warm up A is
3 rounds, not for time
6-8 Handstand Pushups
8-10 Chest to Bar Pullups
10-12 Wallball Shots
A simple scaled version might be
6-8 Pushups
8-10 Ring Rows
10-12 Air Squats
Workout of the Day
400m run
21 Wallball Shots 20/14
12 Toes to Bar
Grunt work
30m sled push (15m down and back – don’t forget the gentleman’s turn!)
Once the WOD is complete, catch your breath and load a sled. Make it relatively heavy (guys, try 2 45# plates, ladies 1 45# plate). Grab a partner, or 2 or more, and take turns pushing the sled. Cheer each other on an have fun.
Work for 10 minutes. Try to push it 10 times.