Skill Warm Up B

Skill Warm Up B is a little more technical.  Please review yesterday’s post on the protocol for performing the skill warm ups.  Once again, stuff please be courteous to any class that is working, more about as they are the priority.  These are to be done before class for those who are looking for some extra work. One note on Pistols: I don’t like doing a lot of them.  I feel like they are a skill, cheapest and for me, a little goes a long way.  During the last 2 years of Regionals training period, I did a lot of Pistols to prep, and my knees did get quite sore.  For many of us, our legs are plenty strong for pistols, it’s just developing the balance required and understanding how to pace them.  If pistols cause you problems, try subbing in lunges.
Skill Warm Up B
3 rounds, not for time
2-3 Muscleups
6-8 Pistols (alternating)
30-50 Doubleunders
A scaled version of this warm up might look like
3 rounds, not for time
2-3 Muscleup transitions
6-8 Walking Lunges
30-50 Single Unders or 15 DU attempts
For the Lurong re-test: most of our athletes were able to perform all the hang cleans in today’s WOD unbroken last time.  Even if you were to break on the early sets, the cleans go fast.  This WOD is about the runs on the final 2 sets.  Push hard on the down and backs, you can make up time here.  I think we can see someone do this WOD in 2:30 or faster.
Workout of the Day
Lurong 3/10
10 Hang Cleans 135/95
20m Sprint (Down and Back once)
8 Hang Cleans
40m Sprint (Down and Back twice)
6 Hang Cleans
60m Sprint (Down and Back thrice)
4 Hang Cleans
80m Sprint (Down and Back quice – uhhh 4x)
2 Hang Cleans
100m Sprint (Down and Back 5x)
Following the WOD, spend the remaining time in class building to a heavy
Hang Clean and Jerk