This week’s challenge within the challenge is meal prepping throughout the week.
You can meal prep for a day or two, or plan out a little farther. I like to make sure I have protein on hand to grab, and then I work from there.
Grilled chicken breast or thighs individually bagged to grab and go works well in my household. It also stops people who are not looking at the portion size from taking ALL of our food LOL.

Meal planning is another aspect of prepping. In your packet, there was a meal planner sheet. Make copies or create your own meal journal. I work from my protein down, planning each meal around whatever protein I am choosing for that day. I generally meal plan dinners only since I eat other meals on my own. Tonight we are having chicken thighs with some black beans, corn and carrots from the farm box we got at the end of last week.. (@farmfreshtoyou)
Food for thought: Challenges are challenging, but we do our best to make them fun and enjoyable. Does meal planning/prepping stress you out? Don’t have time for it?
As humans, we don’t make time for things that we don’t see as valuable to us. How can you flip the script as see prep/planning as a value in your life?