Head’s up! No more 3:30pm class on Mondays. Also – this week starts the 6:30pm Open Gym on Wednesdays. We are looking for movements that you would like to spend more time on to have a seminars during this time.
If you don’t follow us on social media, you might have missed out on the fantastic pull-up rig that Bryce put together this weekend. Make sure you test it out and give him a big high five for all of his hard work! Thanks, Bryce!
We will do our second week of 20 rep back squat on Tuesday, shoulder press 5 sets of 2 on Wednesday, and deadlift 5 sets of 5 on Friday.
We will be doing some workouts from the Rogue Invitational Qualifier (or versions of them) this week. Bryce and Shannon have been working hard on these WODS.

Workout of the Day
100 Doubleunders
80 Alternating DB Snatch 50/35
100 Doubleunders
60 Toes to Bar
100 Doubleunders
40 Power Cleans 135/95
100 Doubleunders
20 Strict Handstand Pushups