CFO Squat Club

As we have passed the halfway point in the #cfo100 burpee challenge, I think you’re ready for our next mini-challenge: the CFO Squat Club.  The rules are simple: Squat. Every. Day.  Squat everyday from October 2 to January 1, 2018.  It can be any type of squat.  It can be weighted, PVC or body weight.  Squat with a bag of dog food or your kids on your shoulder.  There is no entry fee – there are no penalties – just squatting.
On the days we are squatting, that will count.  If we are doing any variation of the squat in the workout, that counts as well.
If there is no squat on the menu, I will provide a recommended session.  These sessions will last 5 minutes and be targeted to improving some aspect of your squat.  Expect to squat at the wall, squat test, get overhead and other simple  but effective fixes.
This week we will Back Squat heavy on Monday, Deadlift with Pause on Tuesday, do a face melting conditioning workout that Denny and I cooked up on Saturday for Wednesday, Bench on Thursday and Front Squat on Friday.
Instructions for Monday’s workout.  Warmup your back squat for 20 minutes after prepping your body for the Handstands and Doubleunders.  After a 20 minute build, you should have good idea of what you can go for in the 2 minute window.  Don’t forget, this will be heavy and with a high heart rate.  I recommend 85% of 1RM for your first attempt.  If you feel good, I can see 3 solid attempts here.  One should be conservative, one should be your goal, and if you get a shot at a third, go for something big.  But remember, if you miss and have to dump, it will be very difficult to recover.
Workout of the Day
As many reps as possible in 2 minutes
Handstand Pushups
Rest 2 minutes
As many reps as possible in 2 minutes
Rest 2 minutes
2 minutes to establish a heavy Back Squat