CFO Christmas Party and Events

On Saturday December 19th we will be having the 5th Annual CFO Christmas Party. We will have a White Elephant – $25 max if you are participating. There will be a kids White Elephant too – $10 max. Adult White Elephant will be for the ages 18 and over. 
At the Christmas Party we will be announcing the winner of the CFO Kids Poster Contest. Entries are due by the 12th, pharmacy regular poster board size. Theme should be CrossFit Oakdale related. There will be prizes for the top winners…maybe a Pura Vida gift card…who knows. 
We will be having the taco guy come back, approved serving tacos and quesadillas to order. $10 a person ($5 for kids). Tickets will be on sale after the Franniversary. There is plenty of room for your coolers, capsule so don’t forget your drinks!
The Saturday before, 12/12, will be Ladies Holiday Bunco. This will be opened up to the public. If you have a friend who wants to join us, please give them the details! It will start at 5pm at the gym.

First entry into the poster contest.
First entry into the poster contest.

Workout of the Day

Strength/Skill, Week 3 of 6

Clean Grip Deficit Deadlift

3 set of 6

Front Squat

4 sets of 3

We missed this session last week due to Thanksgiving.  If you are comfortable, jump 10 pounds on the lifts you did 2 weeks ago.  If not, go back to the weights you used 2 weeks ago.  If this is your first go, 60-70% of 1RM is a good place to start here.



5 Push Press

10 Deadlift

30 Doubleunders

Men 115, Ladies 75


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