Celebrate the End of the Open! 4/6/13 10am

Open WOD 13.5, doctor the final WOD of the CrossFit Games Open, remedy will be announced Wednesday at 5pm.  We will test the WOD Wednesday night at 6:30pm.  13.5 will be the WOD for CrossFit Oakdale on Friday and Saturday at 10am.  Everyone in the world of CrossFit is expecting thrusters and pullups, with overhead squats as a dark horse.  Fingers crossed!!!
On Saturday, following 13.5, we would like to celebrate the end of the Open with all of you! We will be bringing chicken and tritip and would love if you could bring side dishes, appetizers, desserts and of course any drinks (adult or non) that you would like. Make sure you check out the invite on Facebook and RSVP please!
Few Know How to Enter; Fewer Finish


Workout of the Day
Shoulder Press
Establish new 1RM
10 Chest to Bar Pullups
10m Walking Lunge
30 Doubleunders