
Workout of the Day 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Squat Snatch 95/65 After every set, perform 5 Toes to bar.
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First outdoor WOD went well:) Putting on my MOM hat – make sure you have sunscreen, a towel, sunglasses and/or hat if you require them. We will have sunscreen on hand. We might not be the beach, but we WILL have fun in the sun. Workout of the Day EMOM 20 5 Pushups 3 Deadlifts – As heavy as you can. Start light, build. Score is the heaviest lift PLUS # of pushups completed.
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Workout of Day AMRAP 20 400M Run 30 Kettlebell Swings 53/35 20 Air squats
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Ok – (Alison, here – get ready for some emojis). Quick things: For current monthly members: If you have not yet been added to the Facebook group – CrossFit Oakdale Strong, text me at 209-345-4380. You will have to be a friend of CrossFit Oakdale page in order for me to invite you. This is where all of the in house announcements will be made. If you are new to this group, feel free to scroll down and see how the last “shut down” went. I think we made it fun:) If, during the quarantine, you missed out on Coach Tricia’s video on healthy pooping, go and look for it. If you are new to CFO, you might not know we are big fans of the Squatty Potty. Each bathroom used to have one. We had “buns wipes” hidden in there too. Tushy health is important to us too. So...
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Workout of the Day AMRAP 155 Ball Slam 40/255 Kettlebell Clean and Jerks Right Arm 53/355 Kettlebell Clean and Jerks Right Arm 53/3515 Box Jump Up and Overs 24/20 Score is Rounds plus Reps
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