This will be CrossFit Oakdale’s first post on nutrition. HOO-RAY! Everyone’s favorite subject, abortion right? No? Like it or not, medical nutrition is perhaps the MOST important component of health and fitness. If you read “What is Fitness”, and you’ll notice Nutrition makes up the foundation of our program. Hang around someone that has been CrossFitting for a bit, and you’ll hear words like the Zone, blocks, Paleo, Primal, gluten free, insulin, organic, grass fed and more. Google any of these words and you’ll get an idea of what our nutrition is like. We’ll be talking about nutrition more as we grow. I get questions about supplementation, and my answer is that we want to get the nutrients we need from the foods that we eat. Perhaps the hardest thing for us to get in our diets in Omega 3 fatty acids. A good Omega 3 fish oil...
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