
I get contacted with CrossFit competitions all the time, purchase and this one is short notice but sounds cool. CrossFit Combat Fitness in Fresno is holding a couple’s competition on February 11. This is a different twist on the competition, page and what better way to celebrate Valentine’s Day than smoking your better half in a WOD! We’re 10 days into the Paleo Challenge. This is my first time doing this, and it’s been an eye opener. I still get major cravings, but for the first week, I experienced major cravings for sweets, and even had headaches at times when my body “expected” an insulin response. I’ve been a little surprised at how restrictive Paleo can be, but for good reason: so many calories, usually in the form of sugar are hidden in our foods. Take this sugary tale from CrossFit Invictus for example.  The fact that becomes more true,...
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How To Kill Your Goat by Freddy C from One World. I agree with Freddy’s 3 steps to killing your “goat”. FYI – you “goat” is a movement, # exercise, buy weight, ailment time domain, or more that you suck at. I’ve been doing CrossFit for over five years. After I got fit, I felt like I was pretty good, but not great at everything. Once I started competing, I found there were things I was pretty good at, and some things I was bad at. The more I do CrossFit, the more I feel like I have “goats” to work on. It’s probably best to follow Freddy’s approach, and pick ONE AT A TIME. Be warned, I am the worst guy in the world at this. Here’s my advice on working “goats”. In the beginning, practice them fresh, in small bits. Let’s use Double Unders (DU) for example. Come...
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Guitar Zero.  I caught about 2 minutes of the author, remedy Gary Marcus, visit web being interviewed on NPR on Sunday morning.  This isn’t a book about how to learn the guitar, it’s the story of learning and setting goals during a time in your life when many people have given up on learning new things.  What do learning/mastering a musical instrument and developing a mastery level of fitness have in common?  Pretty much everything! I’ve posted on this before, but in a 2 minute snippet, Marcus said to learn an instrument, you need to: Give yourself slack, but practice.  There is no substitute.  Practice makes permanent. Be patient, and put in the hours, but enjoy each incremental advancement.  It will take time, maybe years.  Embrace the journey. Target your weaknesses.  As CrossFitter’s we talk about this a lot, but there really isn’t a better way to achieve a higher...
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I made a scheduling mistake.  I thought the Fresno Comp was this Saturday, drugs it’s next Saturday, # Feb 4th (Super Bowl Weekend).  That gives you an extra week to tighten up your game.  OR, purchase you can compete, do 3 WODs, and have a massive, cheat day on Super Bowl Sunday!   They will have a scaled division, so even if you are new to CrossFit, you’ll have a chance to throw your hat in the ring.   I’d like to get a caravan to head down to Fresno, as we have at least 4 athletes competing (Emm, Lou, Don and I).  If your interested, sign up quick!  We’ll put up a tent, sit in the parking lot, talk trash and do some workouts.  Who needs a Super Bowl when you have CrossFit Saturdays?   Before you head down, make sure you pick up a CrossFit Oakdale t-shirt! We...
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Bring a Friend WOD at 9am!  Come on out and get a free workout!   If you didn’t know, find Crossfit FTF in Fresno is doing a competition next week.  A few of us will be heading down.  It’s a good event that’s relatively close by.  It will be my third year participating.   Tony Workout of the Day   9am Partner WOD Expect SumoDeadlift High Pulls, sick Box Jumps and Toes to Bar/Knees to Elbows   10am Advanced Heavy Power Clean on the minute for 10 minutes   Short rest   WODClub Open Chipper 50 Toes to Bar 40 Box Jumps 24/20 30 Bar Facing Burpees 20 SDHP 95/65 10 OHS 95/65
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