
I find myself talking a lot about inflammation, purchase as a result of diet and exercise.  It’s usually questions I receive from non-CrossFitter’s like: what is inflammation, and why is it bad?  Does it matter?   Inflammation is actually a good, essential part of life; the response our body gets from exercise, a bump, a cut are forms of acute inflammation.  What we’re trying to halt is chronic inflammation.  I’m not crazy about my answers, so I’m going to do some research on inflammation.  Here’s some of my early reading.   What is Inflammation How to Tell If You’re Inflamed The Relationship Between Exercise and Inflammation.   Workout of the Day   Strength Deadlift 9 sets of 3 75% of 1 RM on the minute   Metcon 5 Rounds 40s Deadlift 185/135 20s rest 40s Burpees 20s rest Score is the number of reps completed. If you are competing this...
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What a great night!  The Pullup Whisperer arrived!  Gloria M strung together multiple pull-ups for the first time ever!  Gloria is a tenacious competitor, pharmacy and her attitude provides a great example to all athletes.  Lara, Conney, Jenn and more made great strides to getting a pull-up!  Keep up the great work! And what fearless attitudes we saw.  Getting upside down is a big step for a lot of people.  We saw people committing to the movement, and pulling off beautiful handstands!  Now, I don’t want to hear stories about any of you doing handstands at work to impress your bosses.  Well, maybe I do… Tomorrow at 4pm is the Foundational Movements Class – The Clean. This class will be 30 minutes long. Please RSVP either on Facebook or email [email protected]. Wednesday’s Foundational Movement Class will be the Shoulder Press.   The Point by Greg Everett of Catalyst Athletics.  ...
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**** 6am Classes this week are Tuesday, search Wednesday, Friday**** Ritalin Gone Wrong.  Our answer to this question may seem simple: proper nutrition and exercise. The WODs are up for the CrossFit FTF Competition this weekend.  Check em out!  We have a few athletes going to Fresno.  Let us know if you’re interested in going down and cheering our CFO Athletes.  It’s great fun to throw up a popup tent, eat good (and bad) food, and cheer each other on.  We’ll lock down the plans this week. You may have noticed the Countdown widget in the right corner of our website: counting down the days to the Reebok CrossFit Games Open.  5 weeks, 1 workout per week, announced on Wednesday, with scores to be submitted by Sunday night.  CFO will integrate these WODs into our programming, and I would highly recommend throwing your hat in the ring.  I would also...
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Remember, hospital 9am is a Bring A Friend WOD. Come on out and have some fun! From the Too Much Information Dept… I’m a pretty lucky guy. I get to workout with family and friends everyday. I have a regular job. I work with great people. We work hard and we generally enjoy each other’s company. They know I’m fitness obsessed: I try not to preach fitness/nutrition too much, order and they don’t break my chops too much about skipping lunch. But a man’s gotta eat, doctor right? We were headed to Turlock, and lunch options were thrown out: Mexican, Red Robin, fast food, and…Sizzler! I haven’t been in a Sizzler in 25 years. I was almost giddy to go. I’m two weeks into paleo, and I’ve yet to break from from full-on paleo. I figured I could eat meat and veggies, and get out of there ahead of the...
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This is a little late, # dosage but here’s the 2011 Recap from Talk To Me Johnny. TTMJ is the CrossFit Football “thoughts” blog. Part of me thinks I’ve posted this before, # buy but even if I did, approved it’s worth a re-read. John is so no-nonsense in his approach! Speaking of no-nonsense. I had some back stuff going on the other day, and was uncomfortable enough that I was up in the middle of the night. When you’re up in the middle of the night, what do you do? Watch Olympic weightlifting videos, of course! I’ve been watching the video streams from  California Strength in San Ramon. It’s run by Glenn Pendlay (he makes the bumper plate we use), and they have some great athletes. I met a bunch of these guys at my USAW Cert. They are STRONG! As you watch the videos, you’ll be struck by...
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