
Push up cues from 70s Big.  Excellent video on hand/forearm positioning for pushups.   New Study on Efficiency: Mental and Physical.  Having done 2 of the Open workouts, stuff and repeated both, I would say efficiency is the number 1 thing I am looking for.  I have been very familiar, comfortable even, with the movements that have come up. My focus has been to become as efficient as possible, which may allow me to do more work in less time.   Tony asked me about this today, so I wanted to throw it out to you: Do any of you take liquid glucosamine chondroitin?  I take a pill from Kirkland, and unlike fish oil, I haven’t been overly concerned with quality.  This supplement works for me, but if my joints can feel better, I’ll make the change.  Thoughts?   Workout of the Day   AMRAP 15 10 Kettlebell Swings 55/35...
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There’s so much information out there on nutrition, there it can be confusing and overwhelming.  I have a simple reason to eat well: it tastes better.  On Friday night, cost Alison cooked a couple of t-bone steaks that had been raised locally, sale grass fed and organically.  Will’s kindergarten class had grown broccoli on a local farm and we had that as well.  It was amazing!  I eat organic beef regularly, but not as often as I like: I run out so fast because we eat it all up!   I knew what I was getting from the grass fed beef.  I’m not a great vegetable eater, but the broccoli blew me away.  I get my veggies at a grocery store, and I guess I’m used to mass produced veggies.  This broccoli was flavorful, crunchier, greener, just MORE.  It was like everything broccoli wants to to be!  On the flip...
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Team CFO has knocked out 2 of the 5 CrossFit Games Open workouts.  The first WOD was like getting beaten by a bag of onions.  I loved 12.2 (an ascending snatch ladder, information pills with heavy loads) as a competitor, order but as a coach/affiliate owner, ask I had my doubts.   I can say I had a TON of fun watching Team CFO hit lifts they never hit before while exhausted.  The beauty of the snatch is, you either have it or you don’t.  This kept things relatively safe for the athlete really trying to push themselves (a heavy deadllift ladder, for example may have been more tenuous).   As the clock wore on, and the loads got heavier, Team CFO had to dig down deep.  I promise you, we all wondered if we would be able to make some big lifts under serious fatigue.  As we stood and...
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Tomorrow will be the 9am Bring-A-Friend WOD. We will be tackling the 12.2 Snatch WOD at 10am. Come and watch, ailment cheer and support. Gloria and Bob completed their first RX Double Under WOD Thursday Night.  9am Movements are Sumo Deadlift High Pulls and pushing the sled if the weather is good.
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The Most Important Question You Can Ask from the HBR. Quick thoughts on the Open.  CrossFit teaches the use of couplets and triplets (2 or 3 exercises smashed together and repeating) when programming.  So far both WODs are “single modalities”; one movement, pills repeating.  This is easy to score and mentally challenging, but, in my opinion, not as fun as the more familiar CrossFit WODs.  The first WOD was incredibly inclusive.  12.2 is not as much.  You will need to be pretty good at the Snatch, an incredibly advanced movement, and be able to perform it at heavier loads.  But it’s still early.  Post WOD Community Workout of the Day Strength Clean and Jerk Build to a heavy single in 15 minutes. Metcon 50 Push Press/Jerk 40 Pullups 30 Cleans 20 Toes to Bar 10 Clean and Jerks Mens – 95, Ladies – 65
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