Push up cues from 70s Big. Excellent video on hand/forearm positioning for pushups. New Study on Efficiency: Mental and Physical. Having done 2 of the Open workouts, stuff and repeated both, I would say efficiency is the number 1 thing I am looking for. I have been very familiar, comfortable even, with the movements that have come up. My focus has been to become as efficient as possible, which may allow me to do more work in less time. Tony asked me about this today, so I wanted to throw it out to you: Do any of you take liquid glucosamine chondroitin? I take a pill from Kirkland, and unlike fish oil, I haven’t been overly concerned with quality. This supplement works for me, but if my joints can feel better, I’ll make the change. Thoughts? Workout of the Day AMRAP 15 10 Kettlebell Swings 55/35...
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