
I was talking about fast food tonight.  I would like to tell you I never submit to the urge and eat fast food, pills but I’d be a liar.  And when I go, I go hard.  But I know what I’m getting, and it’s probably not great for me.  When I go to McDonald’s, it’s a double quarter pounder, a fries and a coke.  And then it’s usually a rest day.   Please post your favorite fast food indulgence to Facebook.  And listen: I don’t count In and Out or Five Guys.  That stuff is good!   But, even with all this enthusiasm, here’s a couple of fast food horror stories.   Burger King Employee Stands on Lettuce. Fast Food Employees Dish About the Menu Items You Should Never Order Workout of the Day   Strength Back Squat Build to a 3 Rep Max (3RM)   Metcon AMRAP 3 5...
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Robin C has been taking Kelly Starrett’s advice to heart.  She picked up some NUUN hydration tabs.  Because she’s a super nice lady, drugs she let me try one.  The taste was ok, visit this site but what we’re really looking for is performance, right?  For the last couple of years, I’ve been taking Emergen-C, which is cheap, and you can get a Raley’s, Trader Joe’s, Costco, Sunflower and more.   Robin picked up her NUUN from Amazon, but it’s carried in cycling stores, On the Run and REI (a sweet outdoor store – there’s one in Stockton).   I admit I haven’t done a ton a research into hydration products, but I have had hydration issues in the past.  With summertime training and event alike the Tough Mudder coming up, optimal hydration is not an issue that we want to overlook.   If you are interested in products like...
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      I want to try something a little different today. The Snatch ladder was the most fun spectator event at the Regionals this year.  Watching the Games this weekend, erectile the Clean ladder was great television.  There’s something about the single, tadalafil solitary attempt, the focus and determination required, that creates anticipation and drama.  I literally got tears in my eyes when Lindsey Valenzuela hit a 235 pound clean, repped out deadlifts, and celebrated like she won the lottery.  FYI – the video I attached doesn’t do the moment justice. I love when PR lifts become contagious in the gym: weights banging down, athletes cheering each other on, celebrating, screaming, and having fun. Wednesday’s “metcon” will be a simulation of the Snatch ladder from Regionals.  Some (basic) math will be involved, but the main goal is to put some weight overhead with the Snatch.  You won’t have the...
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Tuesday’s WOD is a tough one.  In total, ed there are 150 Wallball Shots and 75 Toes to Bar.  This metabolic gut punch is right off of  If you are new to Crossfit, try or you would like to walk normally this week, sildenafil think seriously about scaling the number of reps.  We don’t want this one to take much more than 20 minutes.  Coaches will discuss scaling/movements subs in class. In the last 2 weeks, I have made quick trips to Orange Blossom Recreation Area to cool my legs after a tough WOD.  Chance did this after a 150 WB WOD in February!  This works to relieve soreness and speed recovery, for the same reason you ice an injury .  Sitting in your bathtub with filled with ice water works better, but the river is free.  I’m not sure what the people at the rafting companies think of...
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Alison and I just got a copy of Mark Rippetoe’s Starting Strength, sick 3rd Edition.  I hate to admit that it took me this long to getting around to reading it.  I love Rip’s simple approach, medical and I would highly recommend Rip’s program to anyone that is looking to get stronger (although we don’t do his program).  It is BUILT, and I mean perfectly built, for a teenage athlete. The 4 lifts make up Rip’s program: the Squat, the Bench Press, the Deadlift and the Power Clean.  Rip clearly and concisely explains why these 4 lifts make up his program.  Rip is a no BS guy, and if you deviate, he will explain you aren’t doing HIS program.  Enjoy some Rip quotes. Rip HATES bent arms on the clean and the deadlift.  To quote Rip, “Bent arms absolutely suck.”  I watched the CrossFit Games this weekend, and along with...
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