
Tomorrow will be a rowing WOD from .com. 8 rowers = 8 spots per class so get signed up. There are 2 assault bikes…. Weightlifting class tomorrow night – 6:30pm. Sign up on MindBody please! Just in case you missed it:) Workout of the Day On a 25-minute clock, 5 rounds of: Row for 50 seconds, rest 10 secondsRow for 40 seconds, rest 20 secondsRow for 30 seconds, rest 30 secondsRow for 20 seconds, rest 40 secondsRow for 10 seconds, rest 50 seconds
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We had a great little bar gymnastics seminar on Sunday. We worked on progressions for the bar muscle up and butterfly pullups. For the muscle up, we drilled the following progressions: the bad cheerleader, target feet, the big swing, knees up and kick. You can work every aspect of these progressions every time we get on the bar to do pullups, toes to bar or bar muscle ups. We also went over the importance of dips to be ready to push down on the bar. We will do another seminar on 13 January 2021. I plan on doing handstand stuff, but we will be flexible. Workout of the Day Front Squat Week 3 of 4 5 sets of 3 5 sets for repsBurpees to touch40 seconds work, 20 seconds of restScore is total number of pounds lifted across 5 sets plus total number of burpees completed
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Workout of the Day 25 Box Jumps 24/2050 Dumbbell Hang Snatches 50/35 – change every 525 Box Jumps50 DB Hang Clean and Jerks – change every 525 Box Jumps50 DB Pull Throughs25 Box jumps
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A couple of quick notes – Muscle Up Clinic 10 on Sunday Bunco on Friday 7pm. We will be changing this up to be social distance friendly. You will be at the same table the whole night, using your own set of dice. The person across from you will be your partner for the whole evening and your score will be a team one, so you will split whatever cash you win. $11 to play, $25 gift if you would like to participate in white elephant and selfish potluck/byob. PLEASE TEXT ALISON IF YOU ARE IN! 209-345-4380 Workout of the Day Pullups Ladder 25 Pullups50 Doubleunder25 Pullups75 Doubleunder25 Pullups100 Doubleunder
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Same deal as last week: Front Squat 5 by 3 on Monday, followed by a burpee workout, an Open prep-y EMOM on Tuesday, the halting pulls – this time in the clean and some workouts to finish out the week. Sunday, the 13th, will be the Muscle-Up Clinic at 10am. Sign up through MindBody. Workout of the Day Front Squat 5 sets of 3 Week 2 of 4 Score for the board is your best lift of the 5 5 sets for repsBurpees to touch40 seconds work, 20 seconds of restScore is total number of pounds lifted across 5 sets of Front Squats plus total number of burpees completed
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