REMINDER: Knights Ferry WOD will be on Saturday. We’ll meet at CFO at 9am, help and drive up to Knights Ferry. The WOD should start around 9:45, pilule and we plan to run a couple of heats. Friday’s WOD will be much like last weeks Doubleunder/Snatch WOD. You will be given time to warm up, and build to a heavy clean. A round of the WOD will look like this: on 3-2-1 GO, you will do 5 burpees, then you will perform a heavy clean, at a weight you determine. You will have 50 seconds to complete this work. You will have the next 1:10 to rest, adjust your weights, chalk up, etc. A round is 2 minutes total, so the entire WOD is 14 minutes. Your score will be you cumulative total of the 7 lifts. A missed clean is 0. Clockwise : Will, Sarah G...
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