Olympic Viewing

Weightlifting at the Olympics, information pills the Most Moving Thing in Singlets Ever from SBNation.  I got to watch some of the weightlifting action from London the other day, find and saw a girl from Kazakstan Clean 303 at a bodyweight of 123 (!).  Then she missed the jerk.  D’oh!
It’s been cool to see the Facebook comments as CrossFit athletes watch the Olympics.  Through our training, we’ve developed a deeper understanding of the skills required to complete even the simplest of tasks.  I was watching female gymnastics, and watched a girl recover from a missed pass on the tumbling floor.  She was no one special, from a country I can’t even remember.  She somehow stayed on her feet, taking recovery 5 steps after sprinting into 2 flips and a turn, or something crazy.  99.999% of the world’s population would be sitting on their butt’s, but she somehow had the strength, and more importantly, the WILL to stay on her feet.
This happened on TV will nearly no insight or commentary from the talking heads.  It would be interesting to sit with Tricia or Jen to hear their insights in the pool.
Just a quick note – Emmaline has taken Tuesday’s WOD once again. She watched the clock the entire time, while watching other Athlete’s during the WOD, checking to see where everyone was standing. She crushed the Handstand pushups and I was lucky enough to get them on film. I am pretty sure her favorite part of the entire thing was…that she beat Brian (shhhhhh).
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=enE4rM3zB0k?rel=0&w=420&h=315]
Workout of the Day
3 Position Clean plus 1 Jerk (Ground, Low Hang, Hig Hang)
Perform 1 Jerk following the 3 Position Clean.  For example, without releasing the bar, clean from the ground, then clean from the low hang (just below the knees), then clean from the high hang (from the pockets).  Following the high hang clean, perform 1 jerk.  That’s one set.
3 Squat Cleans 135/95
7 Box Jumps 24/20
Rest 3
Repeat for a total of 3 rounds.
Find a weight/box jump height that will allow you to move CONSTANTLY throughout the 3 minute sets.  If you need to go lighter/lower, do it.  But go fast with near perfect technique.

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