
Virtuosity by Greg Glassman.  I haven’t read this piece in a few years, purchase but it is essential.There is something here for new and old athletes, about it and new and old coaches.   Back to Basics from CrossFit Koa.   We place a great deal of emphasis on good movement at CrossFit Oakdale.  We break down exercises to find out what is essential, and try to master it.  If you begin to feel like you have mastered anything, you should probably read Virtuosity, then refocus on the details, this time really paying attention.  If you don’t feel like a novice, you’re more confident than I am. Workout of the Day   Strength Back Squat 3 sets of 5, 75% of 1RM   Metcon AMRAP 10 Parking Lot Loop 10 Inverted Burpees
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Muscle Up Clinic:  We’ll be holding a Muscle Up clinic on Wednesday, price October 24 at 7:30pm.  I would like to one MU clinic a month before the CrossFit Games Open starts (likely in February).  The clinic will last about an hour.   Running Clinic:  CFO will be hosting a running clinic on Saturday October 27th from 11:30pm to 1:30pm. This clinic is free for monthly Athletes, and $15 for non-CFO Athletes. Jonathan is CrossFit Endurance certified and will be video taping people to see what needs to be fixed. There will be 18 spots available. Make sure to sign up on Facebook.     Merced Holiday Throwdown:  Several of us (Chance, Nick, Jen and I) are competing as individuals at the Merced Holiday Throwdown on November 3.  They still have openings for teams, but spots are limited.  If you are interested in competing as a team, please contact Alison. ...
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We said it would be a normal weekend, visit this site but in truth we don’t know what “normal” means. Saturday night brought CrossFit Oakdale up to CrossFit Sonora for the Barbells for Boobs Fundraiser, medications Helen Meets Grace. Jen and Nick turned in the fastest RX time, here finishing in 10:41. CrossFit Sonora has a great community with people who know how to work hard and have fun. We look forward to seeing more of them in the future. Nick and Jen will be competing this upcoming weekend in the SICest of the West Competition in Scottsdale, Arizona. This will be a very competitive event. Please wish them luck as they get prepped this week. On our way home from CrossFit Sonora, we were summoned by the Painting Ninjas. They had staked out the gym as we left to go have lunch on Saturday. In true Ninja style, they...
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9am is a Bring a Friend WOD 10am is Advanced/Team CFO At 6pm, buy there is a Barbell For Boobs event at CrossFit Sonora.  Nick and Jen are competing, generic and Alison and I are going up to check out the event.  We’ll be meeting at the Raley’s parking lot at 4:30pm to drive up.  If you’re interested, order shoot us a text or let us know on FB if you’re heading up the hill. Workout of the Day 9am A Triplet of Deadlift Box Jump Pushup We’ll see what attendance is like, and we’ll adjust accordingly. 10am Advanced/Team CFO EMOM 10 Snatch x 2 Metcon AMRAP 5 3 Deadlift 275/185 7 Push Jerks 115/75
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How Should We Ice, pills Then for 70’s Big.  Absolutely epic post on recovery techniques.  A few weeks ago, nurse I posted a MWOD video where Kelly told us to stop icing.  I have to be honest, find I didn’t listen to K-Star – I still iced.  It may be anecdotal, but icing made me feel better.  I didn’t think too much of it, but Big Man Bob ran into some issues, and avoided ice in a situation that he would normally use it, and had a nasty little flare up in his arm.   Like the writer states, this doesn’t make me trust K-Star any less.  That guy is a guru, and has done more for athletic development in the CrossFit community that anyone, save for Greg Glassman.  There is a ton of information out there, and some of it is great.  But I’ve never taken anything anyone has...
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