The CrossFit Oakdale Fran-Off is this Saturday! There will not be a Bring A Friend WOD, malady but please come out and cheer on the Athletes as they throw down. We are excited to see the teamwork and the great performances we know you have in you! If you are interested in helping out, please contact Alison. If you are competing, I would be thinking now about having a good week of nutrition, sleep, hydration and mobility work. I would still workout hard Monday and Tuesday, but I would use Wednesday to Friday to work on movement, making sure I am rested and ready. Tomorrow, I will be posting an excellent write up by Jen Cadmus on her experiences following the Merced Throwdown. I don’t want to steal her thunder, but I would heed her warnings. We’ll shifting focus in the strength training for the next month. Weekly, we will...
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