
What is your daily maintenance like?  Many of us have foam rollers, click sticks, stomach lacrosse balls, prostate rubber bands and more.  Do you use that stuff everyday?  Could you truly call it “daily maintenance?” I know I can’t.  As the Open approaches, you may find the intensity of your training increases.  You may get more sore than normal.  You want to be smart and diligent about your recovery to maximize your performance. There is a recovery tool I use everyday – a contrast shower.  Basically, I cycle through the hottest water I can get, then the coldest water I can get.  I cycle back and forth, allowing sore body parts to feel the change from hot to cold or cold to hot.  I aim for 2 minutes of hot water, then 1 minute of cold.  I try to go through 3 to 4 cycles of this, or about a...
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Over the last 6 weeks, # 60mg 11 participants have documented every workout, more about photographed meals, visit shared recipes and accepted every challenge I threw at them. Congratulations to Robin, Bill, Vanessa, Justin, Gina, Sandy, Kelly, Rita, Joe, Michelle & Danny for finishing up strong. This Challenge focused on an archevore lifestyle – a Paleo 2.0 if you may. We removed most grains, processed foods, sugar, alcohol and most dairy. There was an emphasis on sleep, fish oil & vitamin D supplement, water intake and exercise. Within the first few weeks, they were challenged to make a dish using local and organic food. Sandy, Bill & Vanessa stepped up to the plate and brought in sweet potato-zucchini pancakes, a grapefruit salad, and a polenta pizza. It was all delicious…and the judges appreciated it. The second challenge was the most important. I had taken some foods away – the dairy,...
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Chris Spealler has a training blog.  Bookmark it! What’s the Deal With the Open?  This is a really nice, view real world assessment of the Open. What About Fear?  This is by Gary Baron, # sale a buddy of mine.  You may remember Gary tearing it up at the Fran Off.   Workout of the Day   Strength Snatch Complex Snatch Grip Deadlift/Snatch/Overhead Squat Build to a heavy set in 15 minutes.  If you find you are pressing out your snatch or not reaching full depth on the squat, lower the weight until it feels perfect.  If it feels shaky, it probably is.   Metcon AMRAP 12 3/2 Wall Climbs 10 Burpee over Box 24/20
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***There is no 5:30am class on Monday, information pills 2/18/2013.  All other classes are at the regular times.     ***The Eat Well, Live Better Challenge awards ceremony and tasting is at 7:30pm.  Challengers please remember to bring food to share.   CrossFit Kids Oakdale held a fundraiser for Relay for Life on Saturday.  Over 20 kids participated and raised just over $200 for CrossFit Oakdale’s Relay For Life Team. There will be a robot in the front of the gym to stuff more donations for the kids into…just in case you didn’t get a chance.   It was a great event with kids working hard, moving well and pushing their limits.  Parents cheered on, coached and even judged their kids through some tough WODs.   It’s so cool to watch kids start working hard and feel the work start to hit them.  You can see it in their eyes...
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Lots going on tomorrow at CFO! 9AM is bring a friend – we’ll be doing the new CrossFit “Hope for Kenya” WOD. 10am is Team CFO – we’ll be doing Open WOD 12.2. 12pm Registration for Kids and Teens Challenge 12:15pm Instruction on Movement for Kids & Floater WOD 12:30 Kids Heats Begin (Floater WOD begins) 1pm Instruction on Movement for Teens 1:15pm Teen Heats Start 2pm Awards Workout of the Day 9am Hope For Kenya AMRAP 12 50 squats 30 Pushups 15 Pullups 10am Open WOD 12.2 AMRAP 10 30 Snatch 75/45 30 Snatch 135/75 30 Snatch 165/100 As many Snatch as possible 205/120
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