100 Man-Ass Pounds and One Full Year at the Worst Gym Ever. I hope your sarcasm meters are turned fully up for this one. if not, capsule turn your sarcasm meter up to 10. I find many similarities to the programming he’s describing and what you see at CFO. And some of the complaining 😉 Yes, sometimes it feels like we are at war with your legs. Sometimes, it feels like we are at war with your shoulders. Yes, piling weight on your back hurts. Oh, and loading a bar in the front rack hurts too. And everything hurts your poor little wrists. And yes, the lifts are tough, and may frustrate you. This is the path, and the path is hard. But there are few things in life as satisfying as becoming stronger and more competent. As Mark Rippetoe said, “Strong people are harder to kill, and more useful...
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