On Wednesday, doctor the benchmark WOD is “Cindy, information pills ” a AMRAP 20 of 5 pullups, order 10 pushups, and 15 squats. This may be the quintessential CrossFit WOD – it requires little equipment (a pull-up bar and a stop watch), it doesn’t seem too hard at first and the fitter you get, the tougher this Cindy gets. It is simple and elegant in it’s design and execution. 10 rounds is a great goal for a new athlete, 20 rounds is a great score for a fit athlete, 25 rounds and above is face melting fitness. If you have 1 pull-up, I recommend doing the entire WOD as prescribed. That means you do 1 pull-up, then stand around until your strength comes back, then do your second, working up to 5. If you have the ability to do 1 pull-up, you likely have the ability to do the pushups...
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