Six Minutes

CFO kicked Cindy’s butt on Wednesday!  We had so many PR’s, buy more about I’m not sure I can keep up.  Jen C and Danny both finished with over 24 rounds, sales Denny and Justin M went 20 plus and we had so many plus 10 rounders as prescribed my head is spinning.  People are getting strong and fit.
A huge shout out to Sandy K who got her first pull-up mere days before she moves to Sacramento.  Sandy is a dedicated 5:30am athlete, so you may not see her, but she has worked hard consistently over her time with us, and gotten so strong and capable.  I will miss your drive Sandy, good luck in the future.
Regionals is this weekend.  We will only have 1 class on Friday, at 9am.  We are closed on Saturday.  Monday is Memorial Day, and we’ll do Murph.  Warm up is at 9:30a, Murph starts at 10a.
My favorite movie scene in below.  It’s from “Vision Quest,” an 80’s movie about high school wrestling.  To me, that’s like saying the Godfather is about an Italian family.  Yes, it’s a little cheesy, but it’s still powerful and Louden Swain’s quest STILL resonates with me.  With Regionals, a huge athletic test, a few days away I try to watch this movie to remember why I do this stuff.  In my opinion, Vison Quest is about daring greatly and in that daring, bringing other people up.  If I believe in anything, I believe in THIS.  Sandy did this with one single pull-up – her achievement made people stand up and cheer.  We all have this power.
Workout of the Day
Clean and Jerk
Build to a heavy single in 15 minutes
Front Squat
Once you’ve C&J, hit 3 heavy sets of 3 front squats.  Use the racks.
Short, heavy sled push
Guys load sled with 2 45#s, ladies load with 1 45#.  If there are enough people, we will work this in relays.