On Wednesday, there we’ll perform the WOD that is commonly referred to as the Filthy 50. It’s 500 total reps, 10 movements, 50 reps of each movement. The 50 is tough because it’s long. There is nothing overly technical or heavy. Fast athletes will finish in the 15-20 minute range. Obviously, this can take longer than 20 minutes, so we will cap it at 45 minutes. For fit athletes, the 50 is all about pacing. HINT – the secret of the 50 lies in the final piece. The Wallball/Burpee combo at the end is…memorable. You will hit those WB fatigued, and it will make the burpees feel like you’re moving in sand. I would suggest going out a little slower than sprint, like 85% of Rate Perceived of Exertion (RPE). This doesn’t mean you can’t/shouldn’t go unbroken on early movements – you should, if possible. Try to find a...
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