It’s a busy day on the training board with Snatching in the strength skill and Muscleups (MU) in the conditioning portion, so have your “game face” on. These are 2 of the more technically challenging movements in CrossFit, but the speed, power and mobility requirements are similar. I have rarely put MU in WODs. I have not included them for a few reasons, but the 2 main ones are we didn’t have enough rings and we didn’t have enough athletes that had MU. Well, now we have 4 sets of rings ready for MU, so that excuse is out. Second, and probably more importantly, I want to put them in WODs to “demystify” them. We have over a dozen athletes with MU. If you have the ability to do, say, 3 Chest to Bar Pullups, you likely have the pulling power required to perform a MU. You just have yet...
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