CFO Express on Thursdays!

Remember, prescription Saturday is our Second Annual Rafting Adventure. Still time to sign up! Let us know if you are interested. No classes on Saturday.
We’ve had a great turnout for the CrossFit Express class, decease with 11 CFO Athletes taking no the 20 minute burner on Tuesday night.  We will go back to Thursday night at 7:30pm next week.  Alison and I are considering a 12pm Tuesday CrossFit Express as well if there is interest.  Let us know on FB.
Programming Philosophy from Ben Bergeron’s Competitior’s WOD.  Ben is doing a great job programming for CrossFit and has shown a deep understanding of how to program for different ability levels in the “Sport of Fitness.”  Take a look, pill but understand we are all Open athletes in Ben’s concept.  I’m going to think on this a great deal – I bet you I read it 10 times over the coming weeks and months.

5:30am Warriors

Workout of the Day
Front Squat
Build on the lifts from last week, adding 5-10#.  Take 2 minutes rest in between sets
Weighted Pullups
Take 10 minutes to build to a heavy Weighted Pullup.  Use the hanging belt or pinch a dumbbell  between you legs, knees or feet.
Sled Drag
Take 3 attempts to run the parking lot by dragging the sled from your hips.