
Wednesday’s Benchmark WOD is Nancy – 5 rounds of 400 meter run and 15 Overhead Squats at 95/65.  Nancy is much like Helen, in that if you can handle the “strength” stuff, it becomes a running WOD – how hard can you push on the runs? There is only one weightlifting movement in Nancy, the Overhead Squat (OHS), but there are a couple of ways to skin this cat.  I’m not gong to review OHS technique, as we practice it almost everyday by drilling the Snatch (hey-O!).  If you are good at Snatching the bar, this may be the fastest way to get into a good OHS position.  You may Squat Snatch your first rep, and stand into an OHS.  This is the fastest way to get moving OHS, but it may not be the best.  I find to OHS well, either for load or reps, I want my feet...
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Plank Challenge: 2 minutes.  Wednesday is a plank rest, but get ready for Thursday, stomach when we jump to 2.5 minutes.  I’m enjoying this, and I can’t believe I made it this far. A System for Developing Competitive CrossFitters Part 3 by Jacob Tsypkin.  Quote of the day, maybe the year, “less is not more.  More is more.  More is better.  More wins.”  I absolutely hate the term “overtrained.”  It’s second on my list of hateful sayings in the sport of fitness (the first is “listen to your body.” PUKE!  If your body is like mine, it’s a coward and is lazy.  Your body ALWAYS wants to quit, to rest, to put your hands on your knees, to stop.)  If you are looking to be fitter than you were yesterday, or gasp, fitter than the person to your left or right, the only way to get better is to outwork...
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Pushup Challengers: That would be the people who signed up to do 1, remedy 830 pushups in 60 days. For those of you who did the entire 1, see 830, your challenge is not over. Well, the pushups are done, BUT not everyone filled out the calendar or did them in front of me so the winner is not exactly easy to decide. Please write a small paragraph about how this challenge helped your training. I will be sending out an email with more info. The Plank Challenge is at 1:50 for Sunday (if you haven’t done it yet) and 2 minutes for Monday.  This is getting real! Wednesday’s benchmark is “Nancy” – 5 rounds for time of 400m runs and 15 Overhead Squats 95/65.  I’ll post a strategy on Tuesday night, but I would prep for this much like a max effort snatch – mobility in the wrists, shoulder,...
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Saturday is a “normal” day at CFO.  Bring a Friend and do a fun, sildenafil fast moving WOD at 9am. At 10am, online we will tackle the “Open Test” from Competitor’s WOD.  It’s a laundry list of stuff, so be prepared.  If you did the Open, please feel free to give this one a whirl.  As a note, I haven’t seen anyone reach the MU on the 20 minute time cap. 10am Workout of the Day “Open Test” AMRAP 20 50 Wall Balls 50 DU 40 BJ, 24/20 40 TTB 30 Burpees 30 C2B 20 Power Cleans, 145/100 20 Jerks, 145/100 10 Snatches, 145/100 10 Muscle ups
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PUSHUP Challenge: 60 PUSHUPS!  Thursday is the last day, treatment let Alison know if you are still in the challenge.  Awards on Monday! MODESTO NUTS GAME REMINDER:  CrossFit Oakdale will be at the Modesto Nuts game on August 3rd, clinic with an all you can eat Tri-tip dinner before the game.  We hope to see you there, dinner is on us, and the ticket is $13. PLANK Challenge: 1:20. On August 10th, CrossFit Parabellum in Turlock is holding a Fight Gone Bad event.  Anyone interested???  We are thinking about a Pullup/Doubleunder skill clinic next week.  We’ll probably spend 20 min on DU and 40 min on Pullups.  Let us know if you are interested.  BMB PR’s his Alexis Press Workout of the Day Strength/Skill Hang Snatch Stand up in the High Hang, and lower the bar to just below the knee.  Hold just BELOW the knee for a 2 second...
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