CrossFit Express at 7:30pm on Thursday night. Please bring a bag of phillips head screws, visit this a rubber chicken and a can of ginger ale. Just kidding, about it just come ready to get sweaty.
Thursday we will begin a sequence of Clean Pulls. The Clean Pull is basically the first pull (from the ground) into the second pull (explosion) through the hips. That’s it. No jumping the bar, stomach no fast elbows – just a pull and the second pull.
The Clean Pull will allow you load over your normal Clean weight, training your body to pull for bigger lifts. Starting out, I would recommend working up to PR weight. If your mechanics are perfect, you may go above 1RM, but no more than 10%. So if your PR Clean is 200, do not attempt to Clean Pull more than 220. Math is fun!
The reason we haven’t used the Pull often is because, if done improperly, Pulls can mess up your mechanics badly. I call it “hitching” or jerking your chest to meet the bar. If you are doing this, you must stop – coaches will be keeping a sharp eye out. Also, the arms should NOT bend on the Clean Pull – it’s all violent hip extension.
Put simply, the Clean Pull is a deadlift with some “oomph” at the top.
This is a decent video explaining the Clean Pull. I just want to know how this guy got into my grandmother’s basement. If you read the comments, you’ll see he’s joking about the “open mouth” thing.
Workout of the Day
Hang Power Clean
15 minutes to build to a Heavy Double
Clean Pull
15 minutes to build to a heavy Clean Pull Double. You do not have to hang onto the bar after the first pull; in fact, I would prefer you drop and ensure PERFECT set up on each pull. Work as heavy as possible, without “hitching” your chest.
3 sets, not for time
20 pushups
Sled Pull