
“Nasty Girls” is this weeks Benchmark WOD – air squat, link hang cleans and muscle ups.  If you don’t have muscle ups we can sub with jumping/banded MU or burpee pullups.  I have never programmed this classic CrossFit test for a class, more about much less a whole gym.  I’m incredibly excited that we have the equipment and athletes to take “Nasty Girls” on.  FGB at CrossFit Parabellum is Saturday.  It’s $20 to sign up.  This is an excellent event to sign up for if you’re even remotely interested in competing in CrossFit.  And we can invade some cool places in south county after – the Dust Bowl, Ranch Fresca (my favorite taco shop)…I’m sure there’s more cool places.  I liked the Red Steer too, but that place is shut down. We have one team signed up for Caffeine and Kilos (with no one on the team yet).  It is...
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Tomorrow will be “The Other Total”. We will be running this in two waves at 9 am and 10am. “The Other Total” is the best lift of your Clean (any variation), symptoms the Bench Press and Overhead Squat (from the rack). You will get three attempts at each lift, so some strategy will be involved. The bench press is the most dangerous lift, and I have three rules for it. 1. You must lift with a spotter. 2. You must wrap your thumbs around the bar. 3. You must touch the bar to your chest before you come up. I will talk more about this tomorrow. The lifting is a ton of fun, so come on out, lift heavy and have some fun! Tomorrow night is the night out at Modesto Nuts game. Your tickets are at the will call window on the front side by the pavillion. Dinner starts...
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Friday’s WOD is the first WOD from the first CrossFit Games.  It was also used as the Saturday night WOD at the 2013 CrossFit Games. We only have 3 rowers, site so this will require going in waves.  The best way to accomplish this is to start our slowest athletes first and let them work through the row.  A decent row time is 4 minutes (I think Khalipa rowed a 3:20 on Saturday).  If you are not finished rowing by 6 minutes, you will move on to the couplet of pullups and jerks. This is a lot of pullups.  If you are scaling, go with the easiest option if you are working on your pullups.  Use the thickest band or even use jumping pullups. At the Games, they capped 2007 at 15 minutes, but I will give you 20 minutes to complete the WOD. Here is a video from the...
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 7:30pm Thursday is CrossFit Express. Sign up For Fight Gone Bad – August 10th at CrossFit Parabellum (Turlock).  Quick side note – after this event, page we should invade my favorite taqueria in the county – Ranch Fresca.  Fresh made tortillas after FGB?  Boss. There is another competition, pill September 28th at CrossFit Natomas. It is called “The BatCave Games”. Registration opens tomorrow.  A French Dining Staple Is Losing It’s Place At The Table    Workout of the Day Strength Snatch Take 10-15 minutes to warm up to 80% of 1RM 2 Snatch on the minute for 5 minutes, store 80% of 1RM As many Snatch as possible in 2 minutes, immediately following the OTM drill Conditioning 3 Sled Push Jingo-Jango, not for time Load the sled, but focus on moving quickly, constantly Everyone I have ever met has called this a suicide sprint, but AJ has graced me with”Jingo-Jango”...
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The Benchmark WOD for Wednesday is “Rahoi.”  Rahoi is a hero WOD, approved and is special to me because the man it is named for worked for my agency.  Greg Rahoi was a member of the FBI’s Hostage Rescue Team, # 60mg what we call HRT.  Recently, members of HRT apprehended Dzhokar Tsarnaev, a suspect in the Boston Marathon bombing.  A senior agent once described HRT as “Olympic athlete’s with guns.”  Having met a bunch of them, it’s a fair description.  Men like Greg Rahoi spend years training, deploying to far corners of the country and the globe to uphold the law, to do what others can’t or won’t in the most dangerous environments imaginable.  Greg Rahoi died in a training accident.  The truth is that the men and women serving on HRT, and other units that demand great sacrifice – military, law enforcement, fire service and more – most...
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