The Benchmark WOD for Wednesday is “Rahoi.” Rahoi is a hero WOD, approved and is special to me because the man it is named for worked for my agency. Greg Rahoi was a member of the FBI’s Hostage Rescue Team, # 60mg what we call HRT. Recently, members of HRT apprehended Dzhokar Tsarnaev, a suspect in the Boston Marathon bombing. A senior agent once described HRT as “Olympic athlete’s with guns.” Having met a bunch of them, it’s a fair description. Men like Greg Rahoi spend years training, deploying to far corners of the country and the globe to uphold the law, to do what others can’t or won’t in the most dangerous environments imaginable. Greg Rahoi died in a training accident. The truth is that the men and women serving on HRT, and other units that demand great sacrifice – military, law enforcement, fire service and more – most...
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