
We are in the final week of the Lurong Challenge.  We will re-test the burpee/KB WOD on Monday and the Hang Clean/Sprint WOD on Wednesday. Alison will be taping this week as long as classes are not ongoing.  We will be available for last minute taping on Sunday at CFO. On Sunday, decease Coach Schmitz will be at CFO for the Olympic lifting seminar.  Come in ready to lift if you are signed up! Next week, # we will hold a Lurong Challenge review.  I would like to have an information sharing where we can discuss experiences, successes, weak moments and more.  It’s been a decent challenge, but we want to talk about what went well and what could be improved.  I’m hoping to do this in the middle of next week (Tues or Wed, 7:30p). Lifts for this week are: Squats Mon, Clean Wed, Snatch Fri.  We’ll do a...
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Saturday morning will be a normal day…woohoo!!! Hope you got rid of all of your Halloween candy. 9am will be doing a modified version of the WOD below with pushups.   10Minutes 21 Cleans 165/115 9 Handstand Pushups 15 Cleans 185/125 15 Handstand Pushups 9 Cleans 205/135 21 Handstand Pushups THEN As Many Cleans225/155  in the remaining time.
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At 5:30am, medications you may re-do Lurong 1, or Lurong 8, or whatever you call it.  If I never have to look at this WOD again, I’ll be cool with that.  And that’s not because Alison beat me in it… There is an option today based on your ability to Snatch.  Either way, these are not light weights.  Scale the weight according to ability level. Workout of the Day Strength/Skill Snatch for 15 minutes to warm up Conditioning If you can Snatch Over 200/135 7 RFT 35 Doubleunders 1 Snatch 185/115 If you cannot Snatch Over 200/135 7 RFT 35 Doubleunders 3 Snatch 135/85
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There are no evening classes on Thursday.  There WILL be classes at 5:30am, hospital 9am and 11am.  Happy Halloween! Regular classes resume Friday  at 5:30am. Crossfit Kids Classes will be combined for the Kids and Teens Halloween Party. 4-4:45pm wearing costumes for games and mini WOD’s.  Workout of the Day 30 Muscleups for time If you cannot do Muscleups, information pills do 30 Burpee Pullups Once you complete the WOD, and catch your breath, do TL Davis Loop x 2
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Random, information pills non fitness related content ahead. Enemies Within is a piece of journalism about the place I worked before I moved out here.  I wasn’t there for the events of the book, advice but I was there in the years preceding it, # 100mg and I know many of the people discussed, some very well.  I don’t know how often a book gets written about the place you worked, so I’m reading it.  Beyond the reporting, the authors raise some civil liberties questions and are very critical of law enforcement.  Let me know if you read it. We are re-testing the first WOD of the Lurong challenge.  Please review the standards – if you are doing the challenge, you must do the same level as your first attempt. Other than focusing an fast transitions, especially as the reps decrease. I don’t have any advice for this one.  It...
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