
Saturday is a normal day.  Bring a friend at 9 and advanced at 10am. On Sunday, more about we have the Olympic lifting seminar with Coach Jim Schmitz (and Butch Curry is coming).  Butch made the 1980 Olympic team.  Olympians at CFO.  Boss.  The seminar starts at 12p. On Monday, we will have shortened hours. We will have 2 classes – one at 9am and one at 5pm.  They will both be Hero WODs so stay frosty. Monday ends the Lurong Paleo Challenge.  It’s been fun, but when the 9am WOD ends at 10am, I  am getting in my car, driving to Salida and hitting the Salida Country Kitchen.  There, I will eat a country fried steak the size of a steering wheel with a bucket of white gravy Workout of the Day 9am Thrusters are on the plate. 10am Bear Complex 2 sets EMOM for 10 Then AMRAP 4...
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How To Manufacture The Best Night of Sleep In Your Life.  Epic post on sleep from Mark’s Daily Apple (MDA). MDA is an excellent resource for all things paleo/primal.  He packs a ton of useful information into all his posts.  I used to read it more, stuff but something about his writing style irks me.  I guess I feel like he’s standing on some paleo/caveman pedestal, purchase talking down at me.  Like he’s never carried his phone to bed. SOME WHAT LITERARY NON-FITNESS RELATED RANT AHEAD Now, I’m not a genius, but I’m not an idiot either.  In his section on reading before bed, Mark recommends heavy, dense reading, not light reading before bed.  As an example, he doesn’t believe you should read something light, like John Le Carre before bed.  WTF!?!?!?  Le Carre is “easily digestible?”  Check out Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy or The Constant Gardener and tell me...
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Skill Warm Up C is a little technical, hospital much like B.  Please review the previous 2 day’s post on the protocol for performing the skill warm ups.  Once again, # please be courteous to any class that is working, as they are the priority. Skill Warm Up C 3 rounds, not for time 1-2 Rope Climbs 8-12 Toes to Bar 30-50 Doubleunders A scaled version of this warm up might look like 3 rounds, not for time 2-3 Body Pulls Muscleup transitions 8-12 Hanging Knee Ups 30-50 Single Unders or 15 DU attempts Both B and C have Doubleunder – that’s because many of us need to practice them.  If you feel like you need to work on box jumps, you can sub 10-12 Box Jumps for DU.   Workout of the Day 5 Rounds, for Reps Deadlift 225/155, 45 Seconds Rest 15 seconds Box Jump and Over 24/20,...
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Skill Warm Up B is a little more technical.  Please review yesterday’s post on the protocol for performing the skill warm ups.  Once again, stuff please be courteous to any class that is working, more about as they are the priority.  These are to be done before class for those who are looking for some extra work. One note on Pistols: I don’t like doing a lot of them.  I feel like they are a skill, cheapest and for me, a little goes a long way.  During the last 2 years of Regionals training period, I did a lot of Pistols to prep, and my knees did get quite sore.  For many of us, our legs are plenty strong for pistols, it’s just developing the balance required and understanding how to pace them.  If pistols cause you problems, try subbing in lunges. Skill Warm Up B 3 rounds, not for...
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Over the next 3 days, mind I’ll be posting 3 skill warms ups.  These are relatively simple, # order CrossFit centric warmups that will develop higher level CrossFit skills.  These can be done everyday before the work.  I got the basics of these from CJ Martin’s Invictus Competition programming.  They are meant to be done before the daily work.  They warm ups should take no more than 10 minutes.  They are not for time, website but move with a purpose.  There are high and low numbers for the warm up – don’t feel compelled to always hit the high number.  Focus on good, crisp movement.  Speed will come with practice. Feel free to scale these skill warmups as needed.  It is your warm up, so make it suit you.  Each warmup will be given a letter, A, B or C.  Sometimes the warm up will correspond with the workout, other...
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