
I never want to ask someone to do something I wouldn’t do myself, so here it goes. Please send us your competition stories, pictures and videos! All of these events help us grow in so many ways, and sharing them makes them less traumatic:) ***Warning – severe self-deprecation ahead*** This was not in the Open. This was 2015 at Alpha Omega CrossFit. It was cold and rainy. As usual for this time of year I was in the middle of an autoimmune flare up and the excitement that I had when I signed up for the competition months before was pretty non-existent. I am pretty sure I spent the car ride figuring out how to get out of doing this competition on the way up there. I am not a big fan of giving up completely, so I bartered with myself. I decided I could just do one workout…not all...
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Workout of the Day EMOM 26Work 40/Rest 20*Min 0:00-7 Calorie RowMin 8 Rest/TransitionMin 9-16 Power Clean 135/95Min 17 Rest/TransitionMin 18-26 Double Under*For the final round of each movement, perform the movement for the entire minute
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Saturday will a fundraiser/partner WOD for FBI Special Agent Laura Schwartzenberger. I’ve been with the FBI for a little over 17 years. Laura came in a year after I did. Like me, she was a longtime CrossFitter. Making this even harder, Laura was married with two kids. Laura went into work everyday for years to make people safe working one of the most grueling and emotionally challenging programs: crimes against children. We have supported many of our state and local law enforcement partners over the years after they have lost their live in the line of duty. Folks gave their lives in a dangerous career, knowing full well the inherent risks in just showing, much less doing the job well. We are very lucky in the FBI in that we don’t have to take on the risk of meeting the public on traffic stops, vehicle pursuits, domestic calls and the...
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CrossFit @ 9am & 10am Workout of the Day AMRAP 10 Squat CleanHang Squat Clean into thruster2 Ring Muscleups135/95
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Some of you may find the Muscle Snatch an easy lift…in that you may get away with pressing out from time to time. Today you can press out to your heart’s content. The muscle snatch helps develop a powerful turnover at the top of the snatch. It is surprising how fast it goes. Workout of the Day Strength 5 sets of 3 Muscle Snatch Conditioning Amrap 81 DB Hang Snatch L 50/351 DB Hang Snatch R1 DB Hang Clean and Jerk L1 DB Hang Clean and Jerk R2 DB Hang Snatch L2 DB Hang Snatch R2 DB Hang Clean and Jerk L2 DB Hang Clean and Jerk RThen 3…4…5…
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